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For each month that you are an active monthly donor, you will receive the following benefits:

  1. One (1) or two (2) discs shipped to your address

  2. Unique QR code(s) to track your disc with our disc tracking platform

  3. One (1) free disc for every 3 months of recurring monthly donations

The disc pack contains either one or two randomly selected discs (depending on your donation amount), and sometimes coupons, goodies, or miscellaneous items. The disc(s) that you receive will vary from month to month. It can be used or new. It can be a well-known, premium plastic disc or a disc you have never heard of before. The disc will have a QR code printed on the bottom of it, and a digital QR code will also be sent to you via email. This QR code links to a unique post for your disc on our stories page, with the hopes that you (or any future owner of the disc) will comment updated locations, stories, and anything else about the disc. It is our hope that through this disc tracking platform, the community will be meaningfully engaged and connect over the stories shared. 

Note: If you desire certain disc manufacturers, write us a comment (detailing a few you prefer) when you donate and we'll do our best to accomodate your preferences!

Every disc has a story.


And we're here to tell as many of them as we can. If you'd like to donate discs with stories, please fill out the form below.


The VENTUREDISCS project is entirely based on the generosity of the disc golf community - whether that be individual players, disc golf companies, or friends/family that believe in the mission. We do our best to keep operating costs as minimal as possible so that we can keep donor plans as affordable as possible while also allowing us to continue the work we're doing. Because we rely on generosity from you, we donate 10% of every donation that we receive. We believe that if we're asking our community to be generous, we should also be generous and give back to others. This is why we've partnered with the Ulibarri Leadership Foundation. In addition to helping us operate month-to-month, your donations (whether financial or equipment) also allow us to give back to our very own community. Whether it's new items, bonus discs included in your Disc Pack, or custom swag hidden in your monthly delivery, we are always striving to give you the best value and thank you for being willing to donate to this project.


If you're interested in donating equipment/discs to help the goal of sustainability become a reality, please fill out the donation form below and we'll review the request and be in touch.

Equipment donors are potentially eligible for discount codes (which can be used on any store item). To qualify for a discount code, the donation request has to be approved. You will receive an email stating whether your request was approved or not.


The following tiered structure is in place to reward equipment donors based on the quality and quantity of discs/equipment being donated:

1 Disc: 25% off coupon for one month's 'Disc Pack'

2+ Discs: 50% off coupon for one month's 'Disc Pack'

As an example, if you donate 2 discs in one month, you can donate $5 to receive one Disc Pack (subject to donation approval).

Note: If you live in an area where a VENTUREDISCS Community Ambassador does not reside, we are willing to pay for the shipping cost to receive your discs, subject to approval.

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